
Are you planning to create your own web automation or end-to-end testing solution?

Playwright is an excellent choice for this endeavor. It provides a user-friendly automation framework, a comprehensive API, and a host of modern features that are essential for implementing web automation across any industry and scale.

Cutting-edge security protocols, support for multiple browsers, a robust communication system, and secure communication channels are all you need to create an innovative IT solution for business or personal use. More than just web automationPlaywright offers a modern perspective on the web automation IT industry. The framework is solid enough to implement automation tests of any scale or complexity.

For instance, the following can be automated using Playwright: Web applications on different browsers like Chrome, Firefox, and Safari.SPA (Single Page Applications) and PWA (Progressive Web Applications). Automating user flows and simulating user interactions.Performance testing of web applications.

These aren't the only digital products that can be automated using Playwright. In practice, this list could include almost all types of IT solutions that require automation.

Framework FeaturesAutomation tests developed with Playwright have a significant advantage due to the framework offering numerous unique benefits.

For example:

  • Support for JavaScript, TypeScript, and Python.
  • A comprehensive API that greatly enhances the framework's functionality.
  • Cross-browser support for Chrome, Firefox, Safari, and others.Integration with other testing frameworks and libraries.
  • Compatibility with real devices, and headless mode.
  • Support for modern web features like network interception, geolocation, and permissions.
  • Full integration with CI/CD pipelines and cloud testing services.
  • Support for native input events, mobile emulation, and accessibility checks.

Minimum costs – maximum profitability

Playwright offers the most flexible opportunities for scaling digital products, including web apps or even complex multi-page applications. Playwright is designed for use in automating tests of any complexity and scale. Test creation usually takes less time, as the Playwright ecosystem has many solutions to easily adapt the code to most target environments.

Moreover, a small team of specialized experts is enough to create automation scripts that work seamlessly across different browsers and devices. As a result, you save resources by hiring specialists who will implement your project swiftly and efficiently.

Entrust the task of developing your Playwright-based IT product to the professionals at the Managed Code team. We will enhance your concept by crafting the best testing strategy and QA efficiency, combined with advanced functionality and automation performance.


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