
Want to create an interactive web app that works both on the server and client sides?

In this case, Blazor is the best solution. It is a UI framework based on C#, Razor, and HTML that runs directly in the browser.

Blazor features

The development of Blazor was greatly influenced by modern frameworks for creating client apps like Angular, React, and VueJS.

The web platform has the following features:

  • Allows creating SPAs (Single-Page Applications) where all the code and rendering happen on the client side. This means the web app can be more responsive, and the user interface updates without page reload.
  • Uses C# as the primary programming language for building web apps. Developers can leverage their skills and tools already familiar to them from working on the .NET platform.
  • Provides access to the full range of .NET platform capabilities, including class libraries, database integration, networking, and other functional features of .NET.
  • Follows a development model where the UI is divided into separate components. Each component can have its own logic and state, making the app more modular and reusable.
  • Enables interaction with JavaScript, allowing developers to utilize existing JavaScript libraries and code within the Blazor app.
  • Is actively developed by the community and has a growing ecosystem of tools and libraries. There are third-party component libraries, development tools, Visual Studio extensions, and more, all helping developers enhance productivity and efficiency.

Blazor offers developers a convenient way to create web apps using C# and the .NET platform and is gaining popularity in the IT community.

Blazor implementation

This UI framework is divided into two hosting models:

Blazor WebAssembly

It is used for creating and running single-page apps with the support of WebAssembly. .NET utilizes Razor Pages to compile files into an app and employs C# to build and execute the program. To configure the .NET environment connections, a special script called blazor.webassembly.js is involved, which loads and sets it up.

The main advantage of WebAssembly is the optimization of all loaded connections. The IL linker removes unused code, and .NET files and connections are cached in the browser.

To work with Blazor WebAssembly, using a static server with the application files hosted is sufficient. The browser loads everything necessary, and after the loading, the files operate independently of the server.

Blazor Server

All Blazor Server apps being developed and launched operate solely on the server side. The integration with SignalR allows you to handle events, update the user interface, and call JS from the client side to the server.

The main advantage lies in the fact that the files loaded by the client are significantly smaller compared to Blazor WebAssembly. The browser does not limit the application and can leverage server-side processing capabilities. Additionally, it is compatible with older browsers.

The choice between Blazor WebAssembly and Blazor Server depends on specific project requirements, network characteristics, and the devices on which the application will run.

Use the benefits of Blazor and the expertise of Managed Code professionals to rapidly and flexibly create web apps. You will unlock new possibilities for your projects, enabling business scalability and achieving consistent profitability.


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